Cura White Wood Soap
This white wood soap is a ready-to-use quality soap designed for cleaning and protecting light wood-types such as oak, ash and beech, and surfaces such as floors, furniture and table tops. As the soap seeps into the wood and promptly closes up the pores, the surface is well protected from filth and fluids.
19.5 ounce can
Disclaimer: These cans are often dented in transit. These dents do not effect the quality of the product and are not viewed as damage or defects.
Proper Usage and Maintenance
Proper usage and maintenance is vital for getting the most out of the valuable resources we have. Our designs are made to last for generations, but just like everything else, they need a little care to get there.
1. First, use a wood cleaner to clean particularly stained areas on the surface if any.
2. Shake the bottle carefully before use.
3. Mix the soap with lukewarm water. For cleaning, use 25 ml soap per 1 liter of water.
4. For basic treatment, use 100 ml. soap per 1 liter of water.
5. Wash the wooden surface lengthwise with a damp cloth.
6. Make sure to dry the surface thoroughly after the treatment.