Saints For Sinners Saint Bonaventura Hand Painted Medal
Bonaventure was a poor Franciscan Friar. As he got older, he became a friend of Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Louis, King of France, and Thomas Aquinas! It was Saint Francis who curiously gave Bonaventure his name. After healing the boy from a nasty stomach ailment, young Francis proclaimed “O Bona Ventura!” Loosely translated, it meant “good luck” or “good things happen” in Latin. Francis was very happy to heal Bonaventure. He was a fantastic student, became a Doctor of the Church, and was known as the Seraphic Doctor. With Saint Thomas Aquinas, he was given the Cardinal’s Cap, and he is holding it on his medal, even though he resisted ascending to positions of power. His writings are profound and timely; he denounced pride, saying “the less the pride, the more the love.” Bonaventure believed that pride might cause people to despise what is most precious: Grace, Glory, and Humility. He thought pride could cause one to yearn vainly, craving success and followers. Bonaventure was an eloquent speaker and writer; intense love and care oozed through all his words and kindly deeds. © 2019
All medals are unique and one of a kind. Colorway will vary.